The list of accepted papers includes:
- Migrating multiespectral image processing to the GPU. Juan Pablo D'Amato, Paula Tristan, Fernando Mayorano, Jose María Massa and Aldo Rubiales. PDF
- Fluid simulation with Lattice Boltzmann Methods implemented on GPUs using CUDA. Pablo Rinaldi, Marcelo Vénere, Alejandro Clausse and Enzo Dari. PDF
- Clover: Efficient Monitoring of HPC Clusters. Damián Montaldo, Esteban Mocskos and Diego Fernández Slezak. PDF
- Algoritmos conservadores para simuladores achatados DEVS y Cell-DEVS. Shafagh Jafer, Gabriel Wainer, Matías Bonaventura and Rodrigo Castro. PDF
- El impacto de la arquitectura de red en el diseño de algoritmos para clusters: el caso de multiplicación de matrices sobre Infiniband. Gustavo Wolfmann and Fernando Tinetti. PDF
- Just-in-Time Gridification of Compiled Java Applications. Cristian Mateos, Alejandro Zunino, Marcelo Campo and Nicolás Gómez. PDF
- Evaluation of the performance of the PlayStation 3 for image processing. Nicolás Narria and Per Bjarne Bro. PDF
- Web Experiment Manager: On the Distinctive Features Useful in an Application for Experiment Management. Matías Alberto Gavinowich. PDF
- Uncertainty Reduction Method Based on Distributed Computing Applied to Forest Fire Prediction. Germán Bianchini, Ana Cortés, Tomàs Margalef and Emilio Luque. PDF
- Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment: Classification, Intrusion and Overhead. Paola Guadalupe Caymes Scutari, Anna Morajko, Tomàs Margalef and Emilio Luque. PDF
- Sync/Async Web Search Engines modelled with TCPN. Veronica Gil Costa and Marcela Printista. PDF
- Parallelization strategies on a genetic algorithm for network traffic anomaly detection. Carlos Catania and Carlos García Garino. PDF
- A Constraint Optimization based Scheduler for Distributed Computing Workflows. David Monge and Carlos García Garino. PDF
Presentations of ongoing work:
- Sequences Design Applied to RNA Viruses Using Distributed Computing. Daniel Oliva Bianco, Pablo Jorge, Daniel Gutson, Roberto Daniel Rabinovich. PDF
- Design and Implementation of a Framework for Small Distributed Applications. Guillermo Biset, Marcelo Arroyo, Daniel Gutson. PDF
- On-line Load Balancing Strategy based on Hardware Performance Counters. PDF
- HPC on Playstation 3? Daniel Rosquete, José Pérez,Daniel Futrillé and Germán Larrazábal. PDF